Account name: ERCI – Fondazione Progetto Ematologia
Bank: Unicredit Banca
Bank address: Viale D’Alviano 93, 36100 Vicenza, Italy
IBAN: IT14L0200811803000105690163
About ERCI
ERCI is an established not for profit independent consortium of 10 clinicians with expertise in Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) from different European countries who have come together with the aim of improving the care of patients with ITP (adults and children) and furthering the scientific and clinical knowledge of ITP.
Aims of ERCI
The primary aims of ERCI are: to improve care for patients with ITP and improve awareness of ITP by serving as a reference point for the Immune Thrombocytopenia patients’ community; improve scientific and clinical knowledge of ITP by promoting new projects and clinical trials; improve education in ITP offering dedicated courses and webinars held by leading experts in the field and aimed at all healthcare professionals and stakeholders. ERCI aims to achieve these goals by encouraging collaboration among interested researchers and stakeholders, as patients organization or pharma companies. Other purposes of ERCI are to identify unmet clinical needs and provide a platform for future studies in Immune Thrombocytopenia and allied disorders and promote the standardization of terms and definitions and management guidelines. To do this, ERCI could apply to EU or other national or international agencies or to other interested parties commercial or not for grant opportunities.
ERCI administrative headquarters
Since ERCI is not a legal entity in itself, its Administrative Headquarters is hosted at the Hematology Project Foundation (HPF), a not for profit organization registered in Italy as Fondazione Progetto Ematologia (FPE) ruled by a President and a Board of Councillors and whose Scientific Director is not an HPF employee and does not receive compensation.
Who we are
Prof. Nichola Cooper – Founding Member and Co-chair
Waleed Ghanima – Founding Member
Tomás José González-López – Founding Member
Thomas Kühne – Founding Member
María Luisa Lozano – Founding Member
Marc Michel – Founding Member and Co-chair
Guillaume Moulis – Founding Member
Drew Provan – Founding Member
Francesco Rodeghiero – Founding Member and past Co-chair
Francesco Zaja – Founding Member, Treasurer
Elisa Lucchini – Editorial Secretary
Account name: ERCI – Fondazione Progetto Ematologia
Bank: Unicredit Banca
Bank address: Viale D’Alviano 93, 36100 Vicenza, Italy
IBAN: IT14L0200811803000105690163